Semi Log Graph Paper: Logarithmic graphs are used for graphing rapidly increasing or decreasing quantities spread over a wide expanse. To assist in quickly plotting logarithmic data, a special kind of graph paper is used. The logarithmic graph paper allows you to graph exponential data without having to translate the data into logarithmic. In this example, we will use the semi logarithmic graph paper also know as semi log paper which uses a logarithmic scale for one axis and a linear scale for the other axis.
A semi-log graph is a type of graph that uses a linear scale on the x-axis and a logarithmic scale on the y-axis. Check out the image below for reference.

This type of graph paper is commonly used when the values for the y variable have much greater variability compared to the values for the x variable. This graph paper type comes in handy when it comes to visualize percentage change of some variable over time.
Semi Log Graph Paper
Through this page, we are updating you all with a collection of printable semi log graph paper templates. You can choose to download any log graph paper from this page, download it, take a print-out, and start using it for your use. The purpose of sharing these papers here is to allow our users download the free semi log papers online.

A semi log graphing paper is used in mathematics, physics, commerce, and engineering field. Basically, it is used in all those fields where the technical analysis of exponential data is required. It is also used to check the progression of data over some time. On this page, you can find plenty of log paper templates for free download, so why not download or use them.
Free Semi Log Graph Paper
These two axes show how the exponential data relate to each other in their distinct ways. You can use the semi-log graph to plot an equation from the sciences or engineering.

Blank Semi Log Graph Paper
Creating a semi log graphing paper from scratch may consume a lot of time and efforts. You can buy these papers from the market but you have to pay for them. This is the reason here we are providing these free log paper templates. Download any of the log paper from this page and take as many print-out as you want. Using a log paper templates is the most convenient way of creating a log paper easily.

Semi Log Graph Paper (3 Cycle by 4 Cycle)
To plot the data for the exponential relationship, all you have to do is print the graph. For all technical data analysis in the fields of science and engineering, it is strongly advised. You can use our template to create a Semi Log Graph Paper that is accurate for you.

Use of Semi Log Graph Paper
Let’s understand the use of semi log graph paper with the help of an example. Let say you wishes to make a line chart to show the development of a certain investment over a 30-year period.
You first makes the following line chart using a linear scale on the y-axis:

The raw change in investment value from one year to the next may be seen in this chart.
To more clearly see the % change in the investment value from one year to the next, he can use a semi-log graph instead.

Take note of the logarithmic scale used to measure the y-axis.
Using this graph, you can see that the investment’s percentage growth actually remains the same from year to year.
For more such examples, please visit:
Now you know what is a semi log graph paper, how to use, and what’s the purpose of using it. Not only that, you have free semi log graph paper templates as well. Feel free to download and use any of the graphing paper from this page and start using them. This website offers a variety of graph paper templates, so do browse this site more for useful graphing paper templates.