Log graph paper templates are shared here in multiple sizes including A4, A3, and Letter Size. Log is short for logarithmic, this graph paper is used to plot data where the values change exponentially. That is the values go up and down drastically very quickly. As you can see, on this graph paper type you can plot large and small numbers.
The size of a graph paper matters a lot, therefore, you must choose your graph paper size wisely depending on your work need. The letter size is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall and A4 size is close to this size. On this page, you can find out both the A4 and Letter Size graph papers.
You can download and print the graph paper from here for free only. A download link is available below the graph paper preview or image from where you can download a PDF version of it.
Log Graph Paper Template

Uses of Log Graph Paper
With the help of a log graph paper you can graph exponential data without having to translate the data into logarithmic. These type of graphing papers are used to graph rapidly increasing or decreasing quantities spread over a wide expanse.
Semi log graph papers are also there that use a logarithmic scale for one axis and a linear scale for the other axis. Making such a graph paper from scratch is a time consuming process. This is why here we have shared these paper templates. Download any of the template from here, print it, and start using it.
The whole purpose of sharing these graph papers here is to make the best grid papers available for free download for all users. From this page, you can choose to download any of the log graph paper and take as many print-out as you want. Using a log paper templates is the most convenient way of creating a log paper easily.